Country: Jordan
Closing date: 06 Jan 2016
SOFRECO is in charge for provision of technical advisory services to the Ministry of Education in Jordan. SOFRECO won the contract and is looking for an expert responsible of Technical Advisory Services to the MoE’s Organizational Reform Process and Operationalization.
SOFRECO is looking for an expert available for short term missions during 9 months. The first mission should begin in February, 2016.
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan’s National Agenda emphasises the need for capable government apparatus that values the principles of competence, teamwork, fitness for purpose, efficiency and accountability in delivering its strategic goals and expected outcomes. Accordingly, many of the key policy documents that guided up to now the Ministry of Education (MOE) strategies, have continuously stressed the need for clear and system-wide performance standards to be met by the Education Sector at all levels of the system. Yet, in spite of many attempts to achieve broader effectiveness and efficiency in the delivery a good quality education in the Kingdom throughout the duration of the major Education Reform for Knowledge Economy I and II (ERfKE I & II) supported by donor agencies, the functions and organizational structure of the MoE have remained relatively a centralized with inefficient bureaucracy, with little empowerment and devolution of appropriate autonomy, responsibility and accountability to the lower levels of the Education System. Over the past years, many occasional changes to the MOE central Managing Directorates and Field directorates have not necessary led to consequential change to legislative functions and roles or management processes and standard operating procedures; thus compromising the overall performance of the system toward achieving its quality goals.
The Contractor will undertake the following Duties and Responsibilities:
Lead stakeholders’ consultations in the field (including via emails, as necessary) to refine and justify the practicability and potential efficiency gain inherent to existing proposal(s) for the MoE Organizational Structure Reform at all layers (from the centre to schools levels) while ensuring that the role of the MOE Centre is thoroughly discharged/cleared from functions not strictly related to developing core sector priorities, formulating policies, designing strategic plans, coordinating M&E efforts, or setting-up accountability frameworks and monitor quality standards.
Clarify the division of labour and identify key functions, roles of strategic nature and/or operational responsibilities between all administrative layers from the MoE Centre down to schools levels.
Develop Terms of Reference and identify indicative membership of Working Groups to be assigned the role of detailed reviews, refinements and finalization of the definition of key functions/responsibilities including the associated staffing profiles, job descriptions and staffing size for each of the newly proposed sub-structures of the MOE re-organization at the Centre, Governorate, Field and School levels.
Facilitate the starting up of at least 3 thematic working groups (Education Services, Learning Support & Development, and General Services) and provide all working group members with initial orientation seminar about the scope of their assignments, working procedures, deliverables and timelines.
Consolidate the recommendations of the working groups, review and clean-up of eventual persisting overlapping, redundancies and submit a final draft of the MoE Re-organization Report to UNESCO (for consideration as part of this advisory service) and to the Ministry for final validation. This report will discuss implications in terms of legislative changes and other applicable steps necessary to operationalize a smooth transition to a fully effective re-organized MoE.
Develop and provide a practical roadmap to the MoE on how to operationalize the implementation of the following next steps based on the final validated MoE Re-organization Report:
A Plan for an Institutional Change Management to be laid out subsequent to a thorough review of business routines/processes leading to the definition of new Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), including new legislations/circulars -as applicable- to be in place at all administrative layers in order to facilitate the effective and efficient functioning of MoE’s new structures in the delivery of better quality education in Jordan;
An exhaustive Mapping of Competencies and Skills Gaps for each of the current MoE positions vis-à-vis their new roles/responsibilities as well as the mapping of competencies and skills needed for newly required posts in order for the MoE to be able to fully fulfil its new roles and responsibilities at all layers. This gap mapping exercise should lead to the development by the Contractor of a Comprehensive Training Plan to address individual training needs as part of the capacity development new institution(s)/sub-structure(s) stemming from the new MoE Organizational Structure;
A Full Cost Implication Simulation for the operationalization of the proposed new MoE Organizational Structure, including the cost of the related Training and Institutional Capacity Development Plan, as well as any cost associated to a smooth Transitional Arrangements until the Reform is fully operationalized. The Cost Implication Simulation exercise shall also discuss scenarios to make the operationalization of the Reform affordable or financially sustainable for the Government of Jordan (GoJ) in the short, medium and long-term. The exercise should equally examine possible trade-offs or alternative financing options available to the GoJ to ensure a complete and successful implementation of its Organizational Reform.
Expected Output/Deliverables:
A Technical Advisory Service on the MoE Organizational Restructuring by closely coordinating and facilitating the tasks of established Thematic Working Groups and consolidating their recommendations in a Draft Report;
An initial consolidated Comprehensive Report on MoE Organizational Structure Reform building on both desk reviews and extensive stakeholders’ consultations including on thematic working groups deliberations and recommendations;
A full-fledged Operationalization Plan of the MoE approved Organizational Structure Reform including a Transition Plan along with the following mandatory Annexes:
An Institutional Change Management Plan;
A Complete Mapping of Competencies, Skills Gaps and Training needs along with a Comprehensive Training Plan;
Full Cost Implication Simulation for the operationalization of the new MoE Organizational Structure with feasibility analysis and possible funding scenarios.
Competence and personal requirements:
Advanced University degree (preferably PhD) in Education Administration, Education Economics, Public Policy, Public Administration and Management, in Human Resources and Organizational Reform Management, Education Legislation, other relevant fields.
International Consulting experience of more than 10 years in organizational re-engineering and human resources development (knowledge of personnel assessment models, succession development planning, and related areas)
Successful undertaking of at least one previous project of similar scope and nature.
Evidence of solid experience with public sector reform initiatives
Human resource training experience in large organizations that are similar in size and scope to the MoE
Ability to conceptualize and design realistic and actionable policy recommendations with costing
Fluency in English (oral and written) is essential
A working knowledge of Arabic is an asset
Ability to lead policy dialogue with senior Government officials, CSOs and donors
Demonstrated exposure to different socio-cultural environments.
Previous work in Jordan or in Arab States is an asset.
How to apply:
Candidates are requested to send their CV before January 6, 2016 to Caroline ABSI ( and Marine ROY ( Please include the position title in the email subject line.